Ashmi Patel coaching

Life Coach for Undiagnosed and Late-diagnosed ADHD Women

I’m all about soft accountability and slow journeys.

Private Coaching for Undiagnosed and Late-diagnosed ADHD Women

I typically work with people with late diagnosed neurodiversity, general anxiety, or anyone who feels uncertain or stuck in their life. We will co-create a process to help you break free from survival mode, burn-out and overwhelm, and move towards a life with more ease, space, and choice.

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Do you doubt your own ideas and thoughts?

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Do you feel guilty for resting and choosing joy?

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Are you feeling burnt out?

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Are you constantly striving for perfection in all areas of your life?

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Do you feel stuck in a life you were told you “should” want?

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Are you stuck in survival mode?

Private coaching will help you:

  • Trust your intuition and make decisions

  • Design a life that doesn’t fit the mold and is right for YOU

  • Advocate for yourself and your needs

  • Let go of perfectionism to find rest and joy

  • Build the confidence to show up authentically in all parts of your life

  • Move past survival mode to thrive fully

  • Release people-pleasing tendencies to reclaim your time and energy

What We'll Work on Together

Engage in Self-Discovery

I work with clients to explore their true passions, values, and purpose. Through self-reflection and exercises, we will uncover what drives you, what you enjoy doing, and what your strengths are. We will also work together to identify limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential. With this newfound self-awareness, you will be able to make more intentional choices and create a life that aligns with your true selves.


Investigate the Role of Dominant

Culture Systems

Navigating a system that wasn’t designed for you can lead to internalizing limiting beliefs and norms that can stifle your authenticity. I believe it's essential to understand how the dominant culture operates in our society and how it impacts individuals. Together, we will investigate how capitalism, colonialism, racism, sexism, ableism, the immigrant mindset, and other forms of oppression affect your lives. By doing this work, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you, and you will be better equipped to design a life that serves you rather than the systems around you.


I help clients build self-compassion by cultivating a kind and nurturing inner voice. You may struggle with self-criticism and negative self-talk, which can be detrimental to your mental and physical well-being. Through mindfulness practices and exercises, we will work together to identify and challenge negative self-talk and develop a more self-compassionate attitude. You will learn to treat yourself with kindness and understanding, even in difficult times, leading to greater self-esteem, confidence, and resilience.

Cultivate Self-Compassion


Build the Life YOU Want

Together, we will explore your goals, passions, and dreams, and develop a plan for creating the life you truly desire. Throughout each stage of our work together, I will provide guidance, support, and encouragement as you navigate your personal journey of growth and development. You can shed the “shoulds” and live the life that truly belongs to you. Whether you want to move to another state or country, start a business, advocate for yourself at work, or rediscover a hobby, I can help you achieve that dream!


6 or 12 month packages include

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Weekly 60 minute Zoom calls

Minimal Lined Customer Support Email

Email and Text support between calls

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A customized toolbox of resources

Hi I'm Ashmi!

As a first-generation Indian American child of immigrants, cis-gendered, able-bodied, neurodivergent millennial woman, I understand the challenges of navigating a system that wasn’t designed for you.

After decades of people-pleasing, trying to fit the mold, and chasing perfection, I was left feeling stuck in a life that wasn't mine. The dissonance of the life I wanted versus the expectations set for me created anxiety and consistently made me feel like I wasn't good enough. I was burnt out from hustle culture, and knew I wanted a life with space, ease, and choice.

Tired of constantly code switching and living a life of "shoulds," I embarked on my journey of self-discovery and healing. Through therapy and coaching, I learned how to cultivate compassion for myself, listen to my intuition, and investigate the role of systems of oppression in my life to find my voice.

After silently struggling for my whole life, I was diagnosed with ADHD in my thirties. This completely flipped my perspective on doing things the "right way," and I was given the freedom to design a life that worked for me and my neurodivergent brain. I realized I wasn't thriving in the roles I kept taking, and searched for a career that honored my strengths of connecting with people and helping them on their individual journeys.

I am honored to have the chance to help others overcome their limiting beliefs and design a life they've always wanted!